Lampe Gras by DCWéditions wall lights

Lampe Gras, established in 1921 by engineer Bernard-Albin Gras, has been a leading force in the lighting industry, offering a wide array of high-quality, avant-garde lamps that have stood the test of time as true classics. The brand's commitment to excellence is evident in its diverse range of designs, including the original La Lampe Gras series which was envisioned for office and industrial settings. This series, and others like the timeless Lampe Gras N203, N22, and the more recent pendant additions N322 and N323, underscore the brand's continuous innovation and expansion in colors and materials. Over the years, Lampe Gras has attracted the admiration of other designers, with notable figures like Robert Dudley Best drawing inspiration for his Bestlite lamp, and the celebrated French architect Le Corbusier incorporating Gras lamps into his projects. Today, several of Bernard-Albin Gras’ designs are sought after as collector’s items across the globe, from France to America and Japan, highlighting the enduring legacy and visionary approach of Lampe Gras. For more about their timeless designs, visit Lampe Gras.