Photo: Space Copenhagen for &Tradition
The Danish design duo Space Copenhagen has created several products from &Tradition and the designer couple has a lot of great tips to share, when it comes to lighting design and decorating with light. In this edition of Balanced Spaces, we'll talk with Signe Bindslev Henriksen and Peter Bundgaard Rützou about their relationship with light and about their best tips for creating better interior with light.
What does light mean to you?
"Light in architecture and design has always had a very special meaning for us. This might be because we come from a country that is very dark half of the year.
With light, one can change the perception of a space completely - both functionally, but also in relation to the more sensuous perception and your mental well-being. Light is absolutely essential to creating atmosphere, warmth and presence."

Photo: &Tradition Copenhagen SC13 Table Lamp / &Tradition Journey SHY1 Wall- and Table Lamp
What do you find interesting about working specifically with lighting?
"Mostly that the design is not limited to meeting a functional need. Light has its very own poetic life, which the design can take advantage of.
A beautiful, sculptural lamp design can create a very special magic in a room. This means that the process of creating lighting or creating a lamp seems far more intuitive and playful than with other objects."
"Light is essential, in order to bring a room to life, create ambience, warmth and feeling"
What considerations do you make about the interplay between aesthetics and technique when designing lighting?
"It's actually unproblematic - as an architect and a designer, there is always a framework or premise that you need to relate to. On the other hand, it can be exciting when you work with technology that provides new aesthetic possibilities."
During the day, when do you experience that light is most important for you?
"It's difficult to find times in the waking state, where light doesn't matter. Whether there is a lot of light or just a little, is not necessarily the deciding factor. It depends on what the light is to be used for.
When the sun goes down and the natural light is limited, we need to contribute with artificial light, to create a nice feel in the room. The atmosphere around some of our important daily rituals, like the meal or when working, is absolutely crucial to the experience."
"It is hard to think of times in a waking state when light does not matter"
Why does lighting quality mean something to you?
"Interestingly, our perception of light is culturally determined. Light that, for us living in the Northern part of the world, is seen as cold and alienating, can be perceived as cooling and calming in countries where heat is a daily experience.
The quality of light, temperature and colour rendering is therefore incredibly important for how we perceive the world around us."